Managed WordPress
You outsource the security, monitoring update and
proactive 24x7 support to Experts
The "Managed Services" plan ensure security, performance,
backup, monitoring and 24x7 on-call support of the Operating
System and all the system components like the HTTP and Email
servers but does not cover the security and performance of the
web applications like WordPress that you have deployed on
your server as we don't have any control over it.
The "Managed WordPress" plan gets you covered of the
security and performance risks and provides updates of
WordPress and its plugins.
A SSH 'root' access is required for the setup of the security
and monitoring tools. The Operating System must be Linux based:
Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), …
The plan is available to any hosting provider or hosting
country: AWS,, OVH, …
Each version of WordPress is split into three parts: 1.4.5; the first two (1.4) are the major version and the last (5) is the minor version.
The new minor versions like 1.4.6 and 1.4.7 include bug fixes
but don't include new features whereas the new major versions
like 1.5.0 and 1.6.0 bring new features and sometimes completely
restructure the application.
An update is the evolution from a minor version to another
whereas an upgrade is the evolution from a major version to
It's a computer attack to attempt at rendering a service
unreachable to its legitimate visitors.
This attack type is often called "DDOS" for "Distributed
Denial of Service". Our security tools handle those attacks.
It's a computer attack to attempt to discover a password by
testing all the possible combinations at a very high speed. Our
security tools handle those attacks.
The Best Practices require that the service management and the
hosting are outsourced to distinct businesses in order for the
Client to stay independent regarding its suppliers by having the
benefits of the most competitive offer at all time.
We can, however, provide a turn-key solution that includes both
the service management and the hosting with our trusted
and expert partners.
Excluded from the "Managed WordPress" plan, billed at
WordPress upgrade, see FAQ
- Coding, improvement, configuration or fix of
WordPress or its plugins
- Server Configuration, load testing
- Backup, Restoration
- Fix after Client's modification
Commitment: 1 month, automatic renewal
Payment method: monthly direct debit, yearly wire transfer,
yearly check, monthly PayPal.
Prices excluding taxes. VAT for France: 20%; any other country: 0%.